Concussions and Whiplash – SCREEEEECH! The sound of the tires I heard just before I was rear-ended as I waited to make a left-hand turn into a parking lot. That unnerving sound was followed by the sound of plastic shattering as my body jolted toward the windshield, and my neck snapped forcefully forward and then backwards from the impact from behind. My brain was bouncing around my skull like a ping pong ball being volleyed. Items from my bag on the back seat spiraled in slow motion past my face and bounced off the dashboard.
Stunned, I sat in my car motionless for what seemed like forever.
Hours later, as I was lying on a bed in the emergency room, I began to have a headache, and later that evening, I began to stumble as I walked around my home. My right upper torso was swollen from the impact, and I had a seatbelt impression across my chest. As the evening progressed and days passed, I had neck and shoulder pain, headaches for days, lower back pain, and achy muscles. I sent text messages with a lot of incomplete sentences and spelling errors to my family. I was far from my normal self. Due to my lack of coordination and inability to think clearly, I remained out of work for a week. Rest was the only thing that I could do until my concussion resolved. I could not do any physical activity for 2 weeks. Although my accident was in 2017 and my concussion had resolved, I still had headaches occasionally several months afterwards.
Though the skull functions to protect the brain against trauma, unfortunately, it does not absorb the impact of force.
o The cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds the brain inside the skull acts as a cushion. Sometimes the impact from the blow can result in damage to the brain cells without obvious structural damage.
o In severe events, the brain tissue can begin to swell, causing compressed blood vessels that can limit the blood flow in the brain. Without enough blood flow, the brain does not receive enough oxygen and glucose to function. This may cause a stroke.
o Concussions can resolve over a few days or weeks, but be advised that during the recovery period, people may become irritable, have sensitivity to light or noise, have trouble concentrating, and endure mild to moderate headaches.
● A concussion is a mild to severe traumatic brain injury that occurs after a sudden, forceful blow to the head or a violent impact to the head and body during a motor vehicle accident, a collision in a contact sport, or a fall.
● Whiplash is a sudden jerk or jolt that causes injury to the neck. This injury typically occurs during a motor vehicle accident. (It’s the force of the jolt that causes the brain to smash into the skull, thereby causing the concussion?)
● loss of consciousness
● headaches
● confusion
● decline in coordination
● memory loss
● nausea and vomiting
● dizziness
● increased fatigue
● increased sleepiness
● stuttering
● depression
● ringing in the ears
These symptoms tend to show up after the injury; however, sometimes symptoms may not show up for hours, days, weeks, or months after the injury.
● If you suspect that you or someone else has experienced a concussion, please seek medical attention as soon as possible. A neurological assessment and either an MRI or CT will be performed to evaluate the injury.
● The best treatment plan for whiplash is immediate medical attention. A CT or MRI of the neck will be needed to assess damage to the nerves and tissue.
● NSAIDs, physical therapy, massages, along with hot and cold treatments, are necessary.
● Avoid wearing neck braces, if possible. It is very important to try to increase the mobility of the neck to help prevent neck stiffness.
● The results of the CT or MRI will determine if further treatment is needed.
● A referral to a pain management specialist or neurosurgeon in the Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas area may be required.

Akora Illustrations. (2019). Neck Strain and Whiplash, Neck strain [Illustration]. Retrieved
American Association of Neurological Surgeons. (2019). Concussion. Retrieved from