Shaken Baby Syndrome, the result of physical child abuse, is a closed-head traumatic brain injury that tends to occur in babies, toddlers, and special needs children. It occurs when a parent or caregiver becomes upset and then shakes the child vigorously and violently because the child will not stop crying or is unable to perform a task. During the event, the violent movement of the child’s head causes the brain to smash against the inside of the skull wall, resulting in nerve damage and bleeding on the brain. The injury can cause permanent brain damage or death.

Shaken Baby Syndrome

The syndrome can be diagnosed using eye exams, X-rays of all bones to check for fractures, and CT or MRI scans of the head to assess skull fractures, brain bleeds, and swelling.Symptoms of shaken baby syndrome include seizures, signs of shock, decreased movement, a very stiff body, difficulty sucking or swallowing, vomiting, decreased appetite, lack of smiling or cooing, blue skin from breathing complications, and dilated or constricted pupils, to name a few.

If you suspect your child or someone else’s child of having shaken baby syndrome or any symptoms mentioned above, please follow-up with a pediatrician, family physician, or nearest ER as soon as possible. If you suspect that the child may be in danger, please call the police and child protective services. The long-term effects of shaken baby syndrome may consist of poor eyesight or blindness, hearing loss, seizures, delayed development, problems with speech, difficulty learning and focusing, cerebral palsy, and weakness in the extremities. Unfortunately, some of these symptoms may appear after the child starts school.


Designer491. (2019). pills and stethoscope. [Picture].

NIH. (2019).  Retrieved from read more

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