Transform your life today and push through tough times with love and trust.
When I Said Yes, recounts a specific moment in time, when April decided to give her life to God. April describes specific events through her journey that has helped her become the woman that she is today. However, her journey is not over! April has a desire to help others change their lives and live with purpose as their transformational life consultant. Moreover, because of her life experiences, April can relate and establish rapport with her patients to provide quality care. It is through her care for others, April uses her gifts and talents to serve God.

When we were children, life was so simple, for the most part. We didn’t have to worry about anything. We weren’t concerned about making adult decisions. We knew what we wanted to be when we grew up, where we wanted to go to college, and where we wanted to live afterwards. We were empowered and we had our lives all planned out. But then, life happened. We experienced difficult situations, met people from all walks of life, obtained various jobs, and started living up to other people’s expectations. All of which, took us further from our true purpose in life.
Now as adults, we find ourselves wondering what might have been, if we had chosen to do this or that thing. We may find ourselves sitting in rush hour traffic each morning and evening, going to and coming from a job that we hate. Working to help our owners/bosses live their dreams, while we simply collect a check for something that no longer inspires us and that doesn’t fulfill our purpose.
I’m here to let you know that your life doesn’t have to be this way! You can choose to change your life. You must make the decision for yourself and answer these key questions in my blueprint: 5 Important Keys to Transforming Your Life into the One You Were Created to Live.