Do you have knee pain? People can experience knee pain in several unusual ways. For example, a few months ago, my mom joined a gym and hired a trainer to help her lose the weight that she had gained from working at home during the pandemic. She started out great. She went to the gym 5 days per week and had begun lifting free weights. One day, the trainer had my mom do walking lunges. As she kneeled on her right leg, she felt a pop and instant pain. She was able to stand back up; however, she could not bend her knee. She hobbled home, contacted me, and told me what happened. I immediately told her to rest, ice, compress, and elevate her leg. I also recommended that she contact her physician to schedule an X-ray and MRI. A few days later, my mom reported that she had torn her right meniscus and her physician had referred her to an orthopedic surgeon to discuss treatment.
While my mom was waiting for her surgery, she remained active. She bought a knee brace and continued to go to the gym and walk on the treadmill. The fact that she was able to do this told me that my mom has an extremely high pain tolerance, and the knee brace was providing her with a lot of support.
On October 18, 2021, my mom had arthroscopic surgery on her right knee. Her recovery went very well, and she continues to have physical therapy daily to regain flexibility and to strengthen her right leg. She continues to do well.
● Knee sprain
● Torn MCL, LCL, ACL
● Arthritis
● Osteoarthritis
● Trauma from a fall
● Lack of physical fitness
Signs and symptoms
● Throbbing
● Tingling
● Burning sensations
● Swelling and stiffness
● Redness and warmth to the touch
● Weakness or instability
● Popping or crunching noises
● Inability to fully straighten the knee
● X-ray will be taken.
● MRI/CT may be needed depending on the diagnostic test results, patient’s pain level, and decline in mobility.
Effective treatments for mild pain include
● Injection of a steroid
● Rest
● Ice compressions for 20 minutes four times per day,
● Elevation
Important: If pain continues, an orthopedic consult may be essential.

Joshya. (2021). [Illustration]. Meniscal Tear.