
Aortic Dissection: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Survival Rate

In the 10 years of my healthcare career, I’ve never taken care of a patient who is recovering from an aortic dissection. Though aortic dissections are very rare, healthcare professionals understand that aortic dissections are a serious matter. Every second counts when trying to save a patient whose life is threatened by internal bleeding. Below,…


Cardiac (Pericardial) Tamponade: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Cardiac (Pericardial) Tamponade – Growing up, I had a very cool aunt by the name of Mary. She drove a royal blue SS Chevy Nova with racing tires and two wide white stripes that stretched from the hood of the car to its trunk. As I write this article, I can still hear the roaring…


Arthritis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Diagnosis

Have you ever rolled out of bed paralyzed by the pain that you felt in your lower back, and your only relief was when you took a hot shower? Do your joints ache right before it rains? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, then you have arthritis. Causes It is a rheumatic…


Hip Bursitis: Causes, Types, and Treatment

Have you ever had aggravating hip pain at bedtime while lying on the affected side of the hip or after getting up from a chair after sitting for a long period of time? Have you ever had hip pain that gets worse the longer you walk or the more steps you climb? If you answered…

Hip Pointer

Hip Pointer

A hip pointer is a contusion (bruise) to the iliac crest, the surrounding soft tissue or the greater trochanter of the femur.

Athletic Pubalgia

Sports Hernia (Athletic Pubalgia)

A sports hernia (athletic pubalgia) is a very painful soft tissue injury (a strain or tear of the tendon muscle or ligament) that occurs in the groin area.

Hip Dislocation

Hip Dislocation

A hip dislocation is a painful, traumatic event that occurs when the femur (ball and socket head of the thigh bone) is forced out of the acetabulum (the socket), thereby making it impossible to move the affected leg.

Sternal Fractures

Sternal Fractures

Sternal fractures result from blunt force trauma to the chest. Before the passage of the seatbelt laws, sternal fractures occurred in approximately 3% of MVAs.

Osteitis Pubis

Osteitis pubis is the inflammation of the pubic symphysis and the surrounding muscle insertions. Osteitis pubis is identified by sclerosis and bony changes of the pubic symphysis.

Hip Labral Tear

Hip Labral Tear

A labral tear of the hip joint is the result of damage in the cartilage lining of the acetabulum. A tear can cause mild, moderate, or severe hip and groin pain; joint stiffness may be sudden or progressively get worse.

Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI)

Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI)

Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is caused by irregular bone growths (bone spurs) that are not able to fit properly along one or both bones that form the hip joint.

Femoral Neck Stress Fracture

Femoral neck stress fractures occur in two groups: young, active individuals and the elderly with osteoporosis. Femoral neck stress fractures are a common cause of hip pain for runners and military recruits due to chronic repetitive activity.

Tracheobronchial Tear

Tracheobronchial Tear

the tracheobronchial tree is composed of the trachea, bronchi and bronchioles. It is a system of airways that allows passage of air into the lungs where gas exchange occurs. These airways are in the neck and thorax.

Tendonitis and Tendinosis of the Hip

Tendonitis of the hip has multiple names such as trochanteric bursitis and hip flexor tendonitis. Tendonitis is a painful burning sensation caused by the inflammation or irritation of the tendon on the hip.

Hip Strains

Hip strains occur when one of the muscles (gluteals, adductor muscles, or iliopsoas muscles) and tendons supporting the hip joint become stretched or torn.